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Redeployment Programs - The ‘3 Rs’ Recover, Refurbish, Redeployment

“It is essential to maximise your return on your hardware investment by creating programmes for field recovery, refurbishment/ reuse processes that support installation and sparing for maintenance of hardware. More often than not, existing hardware can be repaired, re-certified and placed back in service without the need of purchasing new hardware to facilitate projects.”

One of the easiest things any organisation can do to avoid additional IT costs is to use what they already have before buying something new. XTEL has helped its customers avoid hundreds of millions doing just that – and we can do the same for you.

The basic tenant of any redeployment program is identifying excess, inactive, or untethered inventory and making it easily available for use within another area within the infrastructure. When done correctly, the end result is an inventory that is visible, usable, clean, and lean – and on a continuous basis.

XTEL best practices and tools are derived from redeployment programs implemented at some of the largest corporations in the world. Our Partner Activity Coordination Tool (PACT™), facilities, people and processes make it easy for Engineers to get redeployable assets quickly, staged to suit, refurbished, and configured as needed. Finance smiles as they say good-bye to unnecessary expenditures. Planning and Supply Chain gain access to real-time data and analytics to improve the process moving forward.

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